Nové zručnosti, ktoré sú potrebné v dobe digitalizácie

V dňoch  8.-.11. juna 2017 sa v Ružomberku uskutočnil seminár, ktorý NKOS organizovalo s finančnou podporou EU a EZA. Seminára sa zúčastnilo 72 účastníkov, z toho 21 zahraničných. Témou seminára boli zručnosti a kompetencie, ktoré budú zamestnanci potrebovať v nastupujúcej ére digitalizácie a robotizácie. Seminár mal dve časti:

 a) exkurzná časť bola zostavená z návštevy Mestského úradu v Ružomberku za prítomnosti primátora a viceprimátora mesta, exkurzie v Mondi SCP a.s., návštevy strednej školy úžitkového umenia a Vlkolínca.

b) odborná časť v priestoroch Katolíckej univerzity zahŕňala 4 diskusné bloky a návštevu Poradenského centra KU a Univerzitnej knižnice.

Správa zo seminára (EN)

The aims of project New skills – the great keys to open the job market’s door and help people find their places in society are to answer these questions:

  • What means industry 4.0 for society?
  • What impact will Industry 4.0 have in the workplace?
  • What is the welfare state of the future?
  • So what will the work of the future look like?
  • What does it mean for workers and for trade unions? 
  • What new skills need to be developed?
  • What are the consequences for education and training systems if they are to adapt to the development of new areas of growth and new digital technologies?
  • What are new social infrastructures in the workplace?

The digital revolution promises intelligent factories, intelligent work organisation, intelligent management, as well as intelligent cities, intelligent shops, intelligent energy production systems, intelligent transport infrastructures, etc. But what about the manual worker, the office worker, the service provider? Will smart machines make dumber humans? What will be the future of the European industrial fabric? ‘Will SMEs turn into slaves of a digital platform they can no longer control? A general overview of the various areas of impact of digitalisation would be as follows: a) job creation: new sectors, new products, new services; b)  job change: digitalisation, human/intelligent machine interface, new forms of management; c) job destruction: automation, robotisation; d) job shift: digital platforms, crowd sourcing, ‘sharing’ economy. Computers are only going to get more powerful and capable in the future, and have an ever-bigger impact on jobs, skills, and the economy. Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is necessary to improve workers’ skills in order to enable them, as in the last century, to win the new race that has already begun.

It was defined these new forms of employment as follows: employee sharing, job sharing, interim management, casual work, ICT-based mobile work, voucher-based work, portfolio work, crowd working, collaborative self-employment.  Trends which look likely to be amplified by the digital economy include the emergence of a wide variety of flexible and non-standard forms of work, since digital technologies – and particularly the combination of big data modelling with human or object geolocation – will continue to facilitate and speed up the introduction of flexible working arrangements.  The rebuilding of social links in increasingly unstructured work situations represents both a challenge and an urgent necessity. These are new challenges for the social partners mainly trade unions. Employers and unions have already identified several areas for action: for example, how digital changes affect occupational health and safety issues, working time and organisation, human resource development (employers and employees alike), co-determination and data protection rights as well as the survival prospects of business and state support for implementing change. National action plans on digital change have come into existence or are about to be released. However, there are only a few examples of the first attempts to deal with these issues in collective bargaining. In Germany, the former public railway company Deutsche Bahn and the Railway and Transport Union (EVG) announced the start of negotiations for a new collective agreement to be called Collective Agreement 4.0.

For example, car manufacturer BMW introduced new rules on non-availability of mobile workers and getting mobile working hours properly recognised. In addition, German social partners are involved in updating vocational training regulations or defining skills and profiles for newly developing occupations.


Friday 9.6.2017

1.      Subject: Industry 4.0 as a Part of Smart Cities. The Smart City Initiative – to create a sustainable model for cities and preserve quality of life of their citizens.

Our cities must also respond to the digital lifestyles of our citizens and digital transformation is now key to a greater sense of communal involvement and responsibility.

Meeting with Mayor MUDr. Igor Čombor, PhD. and Deputy Mayor Ing. Michal Slašťan of Ružomberok City.

Vice Mayor spoke to the visitors about the following: Concept of smart city is not perceived in the technological line only, it is much more than that it is intelligent city management with the aim to improve the quality of life. We can also use hi-tech solutions as well as classic analogue solutions. Intelligent management demands another approach of everybody who is responsible for our city: from the Mayor to the MPs up to project managers. People are not always impressed by smart news. Modern steps bring short term complications and force people to change known habits. That is why we need to address public, people; city leaders and MPs prefer public and personal meetings rather than discussions on social networks. Current old fashioned administration creates expenses, decreases travel availability and city loses many synergies.

Subject: Essential skills for Industry 4.0 that can transform the manufacturing sector.

Let’s look at the skills required for productivity enhancement (efficiency and reduction of wastage) and capacity building (through training and matching of skills and talent).

2.      Study visit in Mondi SCP Ružomberok.

Moderator: Roman Klopta, Chairment of ZO NKOS MONDI SCP.

Mondi is an international packaging and paper group, employing around 25,400 people across more than 30 countries. Mondi SCP in Ružomberok is one of Mondi’s largest plants and is the biggest integrated mill producing paper and pulp in the Slovak Republic, with a production capacity of 560,000 tonnes of uncoated fine paper, 66,000 tonnes of packaging paper and 100,000 tonnes of market pulp. Visitors had a chance to see the areal of the company as well as production process. Mondi is a company which cares about its employees and aims to improve environment, too. It also cooperates with polytechnic school, universities, the highest percentage of all employees are people with the degree, which is a great signal for this region. Mondi offers work trainings for students and cooperates with completing their diploma theses. The most interesting part was fully automatized storehouse of ready goods. Visitors were informed about Mondi Academy which realizes educational programmes and international courses offering necessary skills. Mondi Academy offers around 40 courses in several languages, covering technologies, business and economical tools, personal and management skills and other personalized trainings.

3.      Subject: Effects of Industry 4.0 on vocational education and training.

As technology advances and changes our economy, young jobseekers will bear the brunt of changes in the labour market.

Excursion to the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Ružomberok

Moderator: Milan Chovan, teacher of school

The school reacted to the new requirements in the market and created new study programmes. New disciplines should help to rise attractively of specialized education and together with dual system of education to attract the interest of students and parents. The school emphasizes creativity and information technologies:

Propagation graphics

During educational phase, main emphasis is placed on visual communication. Student meets with various graphic techniques and materials. He/She creates posters, advertisements, information boards, pictograms, company logos and others. The work with letters and plate is very important. Students must master various graphic programmes and work with PC. The aim is to teach the artist for advertising companies, print companies, publishing houses and so on.


Student can apply his knowledge in advertising, graphic studios, visual design studios, multimedia studios-TV and radio, can deal with www design- web pages, mastering audio-visual materials and handle own company focused on advertising and media. He can master any advertisement campaign- market research, communication strategies suggestion, medial mixes. He knows elements of TV and radio spots, film and photographic techniques  and can create internet application. Seminar participants looked into laboratories, ateliers, students showed them techniques of screen printing on fabric and medial projects.

4.      Subject: A practice of virtual museum technology, especially with respect to ongoing digitization of cultural heritage in Slovakia.

A visit to Vlkolinec, UNESCO heritage

Moderator: Radislav Kendera, member of Board NKOS, member of cultural committee in Ružomberok City.

Participants were introduced the technology of museum digitalization. At present highly qualified digitalization of the most important museum collections of cultural heritage is taking place together with further building of infrastructure for digitalization on the national level. It is important to create conditions for online access of visualized objects of material and nonmaterial cultural heritage to academic, professional and common public. Digitalization of folk art dances and knowledge is taking place in Vlkolinec. In terms of this activity traditional knowledge of folk art will be digitalized such as steps in folk art production, folk art skills such as clothes making and folk art embroidery. Folk art dances as typical dances of Slovak regions will be documented in the form of digital video entries.

Saturday 10.6.2017

Visitors of the conference were welcomed by Ľubica Černá, the president of  NKOS together with the founder of Catholic University in Ružomberok  and the member of the Board NKOS Radislav Kendera.

Janina Svediene from LDF (LT) informed about the 2017 educational programme of the European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA) which will be comprised of the issues Digital World of Work, European Pillar of Social Rights and Integration of migrants and refugees in the labour market. Other topics include Youth and labour market, Posting of workers: New forms of work and combating social dumping, Including the unemployed, long-time unemployed and sick and disabled workers, Workplace conditions, Strengthening social dialogue structures and Healthy workplaces – for all ages.

Štefan Hušťava, member of the Board ZPŠaV NKOS informed about the EZA seminar results, on the topic “Digital World of Work”. He focused his speech on social risks of robotisation and about the attitude of European social partners towards digitalization. The discussion offered answers to the following questions: What is the status of digitalization preparation in the area of qualification, education, schooling, are unions interested in this kind of work? Which effects of digitalization are expressed (for example new forms of work, telework, work flexibility ”uberisation”, the role of platform work, self – employment, sectoral specializations, work time)

1. Discussion panel

Subject: How education and training are changing with Industry 4.0. New skills for changing jobs.

Speakers:  Janka Majherová, member of Commitee for Equality NKOS (SK) a teacher from Catholic university in Ružomberok, department of IT

Ako Aastma Estonia, ETOK (EE),

Grzegorz Chrobak, European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation, (PL).

Moderator: Mária Briganová, member of Board NKOS and vice president of NKOS.

The topic of discussion report of Janka Majherová was New skills for job – digital competencies of students. She presented the results of Research of digital literacy – Slovakia. The main question was: How did the school prepare for the use of ICT at work? Nowadays pupils and students master technologies to bigger extend than teachers themselves. Faculty of Education has to prepare teachers for digital education even during studies.

Ako Aastma spoke about current situation in the area of digitalization: Estonia, in particular, has embraced technology like no other country in Europe to transform its economy and government. The small Baltic country will organise several high-level political discussions and conferences to better prepare citizens and states for major transformations in the economy and the workplace. When it comes to preparing citizens for the future of work, Estonia will emphasise providing the right skills and the social safety net needed to support workers with increasingly intermittent careers. Regarding the welfare state, Estonia intends to share its own experience with member states to make the case for providing services remotely.

Gzregorz Chrobak presented current development of automatization in Poland. Polish industry has to focus on strong infrastructure in the field of automatization and computerization which will be base of investing in intelligent technologies.  Polish industry needs big investments in this field to prepare managers and engineers in applying these technologies. While implementing those companies will have to retrain their employees, adopt new models of working and change strategies of company if they want to adopt to revolution 4.0. Changes are the result of emerging of new technological fields, for example it specialist with automatic control engineers.

2. Discussion panel

Subject: Industry 4.0 is not just about High-Tech, it is not just about machines but people. Industry 4.0 should be understood as social innovation.


Lidmila Nemcová,  vicepresident of ESU, member of hKAP (CZ),

Jaroslava Syrovátková, Technical University Liberec, CZ, member of Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions

Pavel Matoušek, general secretary of KOK CZ,

Moderator: Kristína Huttová, member of Board NKOS

Lidmila Nemcová spoke about economical, ethical and social aspects of  Industry 4.0. for example (work ethics, entrepreneurial and managerial ethics, morality of the teacher, bioethics, medical and clinical ethics, morality of the science, ethical committees and codex’s….), which we need to study in themes of society. Digitalization and robotisation can lead to negative qualitative changes in the workplace, for example  spreading precarious work, the feeling of loss of control and alienation when working in virtual environment, overloading workers because of their accessibility via technologies and by growing possibilities of monitoring their effort. Greater degree of individualization can lead to weakening of union organizing and to weakening of collective negotiation position. The state has to therefore efficiently and comprehensively protect all its employees, not just the working position.

Syrovátková Jaroslava spoke about social innovations and concrete cases of social enterprises. She presented the example of social enterprise Tulipan, whose aim was to integrate physically handicapped individuals to work process and to offer administrative and information services.

Pavel Matoušek informed about the establishment of Alliance Spoločnosť 4.0 in Czech republic. Alliance was established in the Czech Republic with the aim to reengineer coordination of agenda connected with the fourth industrial revolution, with the cooperation with agricultural and social partners and delegates of academic and scientific communities. Within Alliance cooperation should be following in order to identify successful and reliable steps from other foreign countries.

Practical Visits

Mutual Learning on Skills for the ICT Labour Market for People with Disabilities

Visit to Consulting centre of Catholic university in Ružomberok.

Moderator: Katarína Markovičová, director of Consulting centre of CU, member of board ZPŠaV NKOS

Visitors visited consulting centre. The centre offers carrier consultations, psychological, social and legal consulting. Consulting centre is at the same time supportive body for students with specific needs and for parents with small children. Special study in the area of consulting centre offers for students with specific needs the possibility to use PC station for visually impaired student, reading equipment, scanner and ergonomic tools.

Short tour of new University library, Catholic University.

Moderator: Radislav Kendera

University library is a centre of academic activities for teachers, students, citizens of the Liptov region and Žilina self-governing region. You can find more than 310 000 books and a large archive with more than 470,000 volumes in the library, as well as a section with valuable publications. More than 500 students have possibility to study there at the same time. The building also contains rooms for cultural and social events, conference rooms, quiet study rooms, a bookshop, a coffee bar and a number of study places with computers providing access to digitized books.

3. Discussion Panel

Subject: Social dialog in education. The trends shaping the future of education Strategy document “Learning Slovakia”.

Speakers: Zuzana Hronová, Slovak Chamber of teacher (SK)

Katarína Martinková, Social and Pedagogic Academy in Trenčín, member of ZPŠaV NKOS (SK)

Ľuboslava Šrámková, Member of Board ZPŠaV NKOS (SK)

Moderator: Daniel Markovič, member of Board ZPŠaV NKOS (SK)

The first afternoon panel of Saturday seminar was called „Social dialogue in education“, „Trends of future education“. The object of the discussions was strategical document „Learning Slovakia“. The panel was introduced by Daniel Markovič from  Catholic university in Ružomberok, who described the process of document establishment and the following stages of cooperation with public. Discussing experts were  Zuzana Hronová, member of the Board of Initiative of Slovak Teachers, Ľubomíra Šrámková, member of board  ZPŠaV NKOS and Katarína Martinková from Pedagogical and social academy in Trenčín. Discussants agreed on the necessity of reforming in the area of education but expressed doubts whether there will be political will to do that.

Ministry of education, science and research  and sport of the Slovak republic the 15th of March 2017 published National programme of the development of education and  pedagogy called „Slovakia is learning – Learning Slovakia“, which became the starting point for fundamental school reform. The document was created based on the theses for the area of regional and high education, which were submitted for annotation in October and November 2016. By online form altogether 3975 annotations were submitted until the 15th of May 2017. Annotations were made by physical bodies, teachers and other employees in the areas of education and pedagogy. NKOS was one of the consultants invited by the Ministry of Education and Sport SR.

4. Discussion panel

Subject: Social dialogue for the future of manufacturing.  (Industry 4.0.) Industrial relations and social dialogue under the pressure to adapt to increasing digitisation of economy and industry Social dialogue in industry.


Milan Tóth j, general secretary of NKOS KOVO-METAL (SK)

 Ján Orlovsky, member of ZO NKOS KOVO- METAL US Steel Košice (SK)

Milan Beregszaszi, member of Board NKOS (SK)

Moderator: Marian Sasák, member of Control committee NKOS (SK)

Europe’s industrial relations should be based on social dialogue, workplace and industrial democracy, consultation and collective bargaining. The right to bargain collectively with an employer enhances the human dignity, liberty and autonomy of workers by giving them the opportunity to influence the establishment of workplace rules and thereby gain some control over a major aspect of their lives, namely their work.